Fantasy Unveiled: A Journey from Inversion to Conversion – A Personal Testimony

I have been reflecting on how a life of sin brings a curse on our souls, causing them to be turned upside down.

I can confess that this has been my issue for years. I am thankful for salvation; through the blood of Jesus, I’m being cleansed and reconciled back to the Father.

Looking at the events of my life, it seemed Satan marked me for perversion. As a young child, perversion was a norm for me. Whether I did perverse sins to defile myself or others around me, it seemed I had to make others into what I was.

I lived during an era where hip-hop, R&B, and lustful music shaped my atmosphere, from the perverse music on BET or MTV to the TV shows and even the cartoons. Satan starts on us early to shape us into vessels he can use. So, as I write, I relate to my audience as I know what it is like to be addicted to the appetites of this world. Pornography, lust, food, sex, it was all an addiction, and now I realize how my addiction always led me to fantasy. When you have a spirit of addiction, it is tormenting, and my go-to drug of choice was sexual sin, which made me a nymphomaniac. I can honestly admit that addiction transfers if you cannot have your drug of choice; you will then go to anything that will cause you to experience some form of temporal pleasure.

A spirit of addiction is a demon. It resides in our souls with the intent to kill, steal, and destroy like anything else. This spirit enters through an open door and begins to destroy us from the inside out. Demons are soulish creatures, so the emphasis is on us being born-again and having our souls turned right side up. We cannot allow these spirits to reside in our souls. In my life, sexual addiction brought sexual oppression and unwanted demonic soul ties. I partook in everything Satan offered to satisfy my sinful nature. Pornography, lust, fantasy, abuse, homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, or masturbation, for me, it didn’t matter.


I remember that between 2011 and 2012, God began to draw me in. I had been living as an independent single woman with my career and a place to stay. My life seemed great on the outside, but my soul was tormented inwardly. One morning, I fell asleep on the couch after watching a movie. I remember vividly having a spirit enter my apartment, and he proceeded to have sexual relations with me. Initially, I enjoyed it, but something felt different, and I decided to challenge this spirit. As I began to tell him he wasn’t real, I called on Jesus! I was surprised at how quickly the spirit fled. I remember seeing my body naked with chains all around it. I now know these were cords and chains of sin (Proverbs 5:22).

My naked body ran to the Bible that was in my living room (which I never read; it was only there as tradition). I knew that was my soul wanting to be free. Remember, I was not born again at this time; in fact, I went to church every Sunday with no conviction. I would leave and go to a club or fornicate. Besides, I was taught, “Once you are saved, you are always saved”. Had I died, I would have gone to Hell for eternity believing and living a lie.


As time passed, I began to wonder about certain things. The days seemed to be more sinful, and I felt more convicted—after abortions, drugs, alcohol, etc. I had been tormented, depressed, oppressed, and honestly beaten down by the devil and his worldly system. In 2013, I remember listening to a video on YouTube about the end times. At the end of the message, the evangelist asked, “Have you been born again?” I felt like that was for me. However, I had never heard the term being born again. I knew in my heart that I wasn’t born again. I had been mentally ascending to being a Christian while living a life marked by sin and perversion. For the first time, I realized I had been living a life built on lies and fantasy.

I can’t explain everything that happened that day. However, after repentance and asking Jesus to save me, I noticed a change in my heart and actions. Some changes were immediate, but the stronger spirits (strongholds) took time. I now know God’s hand of protection was upon me through living a lifestyle of sin. He never gave up on me. I have been running to complete my race ever since. I know there is nothing or nobody to turn back to except the devil and his kingdom. I desire Jesus Christ to be my first love and intend to be with Him for eternity. God is setting me free from a life built on lies and fantasy.

I intend to help anyone struggling with the same issues I experienced. It is possible to be set free! This is why I am passionate about the posts on this blog site and the upcoming book release, “The Curse of the Inverted Soul.” This book details a life of sin, causing our way of thinking to be upside down; we provide practical solutions for freedom from this curse to live a life of freedom in Christ Jesus.

Order your E-Book copy if you can relate to these issues and desire to be set free. May God Bless and Keep You all!